Seymour Stars Travel Baseball

Stars Player Spotlight

Stars Clinics
Our Stars program is proud to offer our players in house clinics that are included in their player registration fee. Each year the Stars host 3 off-season clinics at their Leader Practice Facility. The 3 clinics consist of Catching / Pitching / Hitting. Take a look at the images below taken from our clinics.

About the stars
What aged players are appropriate for this program?
The Stars program consists of players ranging from ages 7 to 15. We currently field teams in 8U - 15U.
What time of the year does this program run?
The Stars program usually runs November through August.
The travel year begins with tryouts, which are typically held in mid to late August.
Once offers are sent to players and teams are formed all the Stars team gather for a meet and greet in October, where each Star receives their hat, practice shirt and Stars book.
Where are practices and tournaments typically held?
Indoor Practices:
January - April Practices are at our indoor facility in Eau Claire, WI.
Outdoor Practices:
May - July Practices are at the Seymour Ball Club, on Tower Drive in Seymour, WI.
Tournaments are held throughout the summer, mainly on weekends. Each Stars teams coach will pick their set of tournaments with a variety located in our area and others throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota.
When are practices and how often are they?
Open gyms: Open gyms kick off the travel season. Open gyms begin in November and run through January. They usually are 2 nights per week at our indoor practice facility. Open gyms are voluntary for Stars players and open to all age divisions.
Winter Practices: Winter practices take place January through April in our indoor facility. Practice is once per week. The time and day of the week are determined by each coach in mid December.
On Field Practices: On field practices begin once the weather permits. These practices take place at the Seymour Ball Club fields. Travel practices are reserved for Sundays May - July. The times are determined by each coach in mid March. Some teams will choose to practice twice per week but that is dependent on each team and field availability.
How many games will they play? What days of the week?
Each Stars team is required to attend 6 tournaments. 2 of these 6 tournaments are home tournaments held at the Seymour Ball fields. (Dust the Rust & Seymour Slam). Some teams choose to do 7 to 8 tournaments each travel season. This is dependent on each team and decided by the coaching staff. The Stars strive to keep costs low to families by partaking in a mix of local and regional tournaments.
What is provided and what needs to be purchased separately?
Each player is provided with the following uniform for each travel season: 2 Stars uniforms, hat, 1 Stars batting helmet, 1 pair of black socks, 1 black belt, practice shirt and a Stars book. Each team is provided with gear to include: Catchers equipment, training tools, baseballs, and a first aid kit.
Stars Merchandise
2025 Stars Rosters
Frequently Asked Questions
Are winter practices mandatory?
We understand Stars players partake in other winter sports. Open gyms are voluntary. Winter practices are voluntary until March 1st.
When will we know what tournaments we are in?
We try to have all tournaments established and out to the team by Mid January each season.
Are there opportunities to volunteer?
The short answer is yes! Please review our main page for all our volunteer opportunities.
Once a player completes a tryout and is invited to play on a Stars team, do we require a tryout each year?
Yes. We sometimes have multiple teams within each age division. Each year Stars players must tryout for the upcoming age division.
What email address/phone number should be used for questions?
Please contact the Stars Travel director at: starsdirector@seymourballclub.org or via cell at 715-828-3536.
When are payments due for the Stars program?
The first half of the payment will be debited after the Meet and Greet in October. The second payment will be debited once uniforms are handed out in March.
STARS 2025
Competitive Travel Baseball focused on building strong players on and off the field. The Stars program host teams from 8U - 15U.
Learn more about our Stars program and our values by browsing through this page, along with following us on Facebook at the Seymour Stars.